If you couldn't tell by our lack of posts, Wordy and I have been a little busy. We wish we could post more, but by the end of the day...we are just exhausted.
What's been keeping us busy you may ask? Two simple words...
The Squidd
Simply, The Squidd has a LOT of personality. Imagine my personality and Wordy's magnified by two and add a dash of allspice. He jabbers nonstop from the time he wakes up and up until bedtime. During the day, he has many important points to make to both Wordy and myself. Special/important points are sometimes emphasized with a fart (mainly due to clenching all his muscles to give us his one of kind 'I really mean it' look).
He only has a handful of words, but you can start to tell that he is getting frustrated by the communication gap.
This list will bring you up to date with some of his vocabulary when (not if) he talks to you: dog, duck, up, down, Marmite, d'oh (while slapping his head), eyes, nose, ears, mouth, brow, button, socks, shoes, and double double dog dare. Not to mention, shhshing with one finger over his mouth when he is trying to hide. For some reason he likes singing out loud the letters O P P...which may cause some problems in the months ahead.
He has figured out how to open doors, use levers and fulcrums, and he has even recognized how to count and keep track of his favorite things. This is making it even harder to dupe him out of certain items like keys, toothbrushes, and credit cards.
At the moment, he is very displeased about teeth brushing.
He is completely off the bottle and eats big person food. Likes: Roasted cauliflower, hummus, Marmite and toast, NZ mince meat pie, and anything spicy (all Indian food so far). He even enjoys blowing on his luke warm food to cool it off and feeds himself with a spoon. Last weekend he had his first ice cream at the beach (they serve soft-serve from the ice cream trucks) and he was in utter bliss.
We are having a blast, but my word(!) we are just beat at the end of the day.