The Poozer: Directions and Pretty Pictures
Step 1. Select a choice piece of cardboard
Note: You want a solid and unbent piece of carboard capable of holding 2-3 lbs of raw material. Boxboard is not recommended.
Step 2. Cut the cardboard to size so that it can provide a solid barrier to prevent any raw material from reaching the water.
Step 3. Saran wrap your cardboard to prevent it from absorbing any potential wetness.
Step 4. Insert the wrapped cardboard into the toilet. See the picture below.
Step 5. Find a plastic shopping bag (Note: Do not use a paper bag.) and insert it into the toilet with edge of the bag in contact with the outer seat.
Step 6. Tape the bag in order to secure it into position.
Step 7. Poo to your heart's content. Depending on how deep your cardboard might have to use a little technique to prevent poo glancing your butt cheek. After my first experience, I declared myself Lord of the Ring. (Wordy: Oh yes, folks, I have a PhD.)(Rockey: Wordy mocks me now, but guess who was number two to do number two?)
Step 8. After pooing and wiping, untape the bag and tie. A crucial move is to not tie the bag up and then wipe.
Step 9. Throw the bag away in a lined and sealed container.
Step 10. Rejoice that you successfully pooped in a bag.
Warning: The Poozer is not designed for number 1. Stay tuned for the Peezer.