Saturday, July 2, 2011


Our little guy turned two today. He had a great day, and Rocky and I survived the hosting of our first toddler birthday party. No meltdowns. No tantrums. Everyone left smiling. I call that an unqualified success.

The kid is always moving. Fast. This is why the best pix we take of him are while he's sleeping.


  1. The first of many parties. The picture of Squidd sleeping with Tigs and the balloon is sooo cute! Great job baking the cake and cupcakes. How'd you space those M&Ms so evenly?

    Happy birthday Squidd. Wish we were there to share your fun--and cake. :o)

  2. Happy birthday in the US Squiggles! Looks like the balloons were a hit. Narda, the cake looks delicious.

  3. You are the absolute Goddess of Cakes. Squidd holding on to that balloon even as he sleeps is pretty darn cute.

  4. Wish we could have been there for the party! Happy 2nd birthday Squidd.
