Sunday, September 30, 2012

By Request . . .

 . . . from the g-parents.

And here's a funny. Yesterday was my first day on my own with both urchins as Rocky was at work all day. The Squidd has swim lessons in the morning, and Rocky was champion enough to pack the swim bag with towel, dry clothes, etc. But in my haste to feed The Minnow, change her diaper, make sure The Squidd went to the bathroom, and get them both packed into the car and to the pool by the start of the lesson, the swim bag got left by the garage door.

With no dry pants to wear after swimming, and with The Squidd unwilling to wear the damp trunks for the 5-minute drive home, I put The Squidd in an extra tshirt I found in the car. It was a stellar parenting moment. Yes, his legs are poked out through the armholes. But better that than have him go commando buckled into his 5-point harness.

Here's hoping I pull this two-child parenting thing together a bit more with practice.

1 comment:

  1. Funny story and quick thinking on mom's part. It doesn't look like a T-shirt but maybe from behind?
