Saturday, September 4, 2010

Earthquake Update

First, I am back in Christchurch and everyone is completely fine and dandy.

Second, do not believe everything the news might be telling you! There is minimal damage. The major damage is to a sewer line, some chimneys fell down, and there are a few cracks in some roads built on marshy soils. The one or two buildings in Christchurch that they keep showing on the news were gutted and structurally unsound...they were already in the process of tearing down those buildings. In essence, any Seattle blizzard is 10x more dangerous than this quake.

We have power. We have lots of food. It really is not a big deal. Hell, all the stores are open including the KFC and McDonalds down the road.

At worst, we have to go without a shower for a day to ensure that the water lines have not been contaminated.

That's it.


  1. Well, I'm glad you're back home and all is well.

  2. Well done, we,re still trying to learn how to make a comment.
