Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy (Belated) Easter

For the second year in a row, we had a glorious Easter day: sunny and warm and spent in the company of good friends. And while The Squidd was more into the Easter egg hunt than he was last year, he was ALL about eating the chocolate eggs and jelly beans.

Incidentally, it turns out that jelly beans are not a traditional Easter treat in New Zealand. Chocolate bunnies do make an appearance, but Rocky's students informed him that the traditional Easter basket goody here is a chocolate and marshmallow egg. I bought one out of curiosity and found it was basically what I expected with one exception: in the center of the marshmallow bit, there's a firm candy "yolk."  Huh.


  1. Thank you for sharing the very cute pictures. It definitely looks like a fun time was had by all on a nice Easter day.

  2. It looks like Squiggles is doing Super Market Sweep or something with his little bag. I see that he got some "wax", is that going on his board?
