Monday, April 30, 2012

Like Father, Like Son

I'm fighting a bit of a cold right now, so Rocky valiantly took on the lion's share of childcare this past weekend. On Sunday the boys went to one of our favorite places, Birdling's Flat, to play on the beach and collect agates and other cool rocks. Here they are inspecting their haul. Birds of a feather, I tell you.

Incidentally, unlike the past two years, during which all three of us were perpetually sick, this is our first real illness of 2012. I think The Squidd's immune system has finally matured enough that he can fight off a good number of the viruses that circulate at school. Hallelujah!


  1. It looks like a big haul. Squidd, did you leave some for the next time?

  2. Way to GO Poulsbo

  3. Squidd looks like a real farmer--Love Poulsbo
