Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Red Elephant Take Me Away

Over the last couple of weeks, we have had no luck finding a good 'go to' take away (i.e., the kiwi equivalent of take out) place. For us in Philly, our 'go to' place was Ekta. The saag paneer at Ekta is simply hands down the best in the world...or at least the world as we know it.

Most of the take away places in Christchurch are mediocre at best. Believe it or not, Kentucky Fried Chicken (and yes they do spell it out here) is a big f'ing deal. I imagine kiwis would knight the Colonel if they could.

In direct contrast to the US, frying is not taboo. I would estimate that there are nearly 30 Fish and Chips shops in a 2 mile radius of our house. Most interestingly, it's Fish and Chips and Chinese. How's that for a combo! Turns out that the local custom is to go your local Fish and Chips shop on Friday and order some 'greasies.'

Tonight our long awaited miracle occurred...we found our 'go to' take away.

Let me introduce Red Elephant Thai.


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