Saturday, August 7, 2010

Road Kill Mystery

On the street in front of our condo, some little critter met its maker.

Being the scientist that I am, I took advantage of the opportunity to investigate the wildlife of New Zealand.

Small animal. Check.

Potentially a rodent of some type. Check.

Furry...not furry.

Spiny, spiky. Err...check.

Cute little face. Check...

Oh no! It's a hedgehog! A cute little hedgehog!

Wait a second. What in Akaroa is a hedgehog doing in New Zealand?!

I can understand sheep, cattle, and horse being imported into New Zealand. These animals provide some sort of benefit: wool, beef/milk, and transportation. But importing hedgehogs? Turns out on further investigations (involving asking two Kiwis at a dinner party) that English gardeners had/have an affinity for hedgehogs. New Zealand wouldn't feel like their home in the British countryside without their beloved spiky slug-eating friends.

Upon even further investigation, Kiwi children are terrified of hedgehogs, especially when camping in the backyard. There are so many hedgehogs nowadays (with no predators) that at night they 'swarm' backyards looking for food. So imagine this: You are a 6 year old sleeping outside (by yourself) for the first time and all night little hedgehogs are rubbing against your tent...trying to get inside...looking for blood...human blood...your blood.

No wonder once Kiwis get their driver's license that they take every chance to run over their nightmares...which are hedgehogs.

1 comment:

  1. What a great lesson. I love how deeply your researched it too. You actually asked someone at dinner. If only that were good enough for all our great life's questions.
